400x344 - Mousou dairinin is about a social phenomenon in musashino, tokyo caused by a juvenile serial assailant named lil` slugger ( shounen bat, or bat boy in the original japanese version).
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236x177 - Mousou dairinin is about a social phenomenon in musashino, tokyo caused by a juvenile serial assailant named lil` slugger ( shounen bat, or bat boy in the original japanese version).
Original Resolution: 236x177
30 Paranoia Agent Ideas Paranoia Satoshi Kon Anime Produced by wowow (financial production), madhouse (animation work)ein völlig durchgeknalllter anime, der es wert ist angesehen zu werden.und das.
1000x486 - Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more!
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All Categories Upstart Mousou dairinin is about a social phenomenon in musashino, tokyo caused by a juvenile serial assailant named lil` slugger ( shounen bat, or bat boy in the original japanese version).
150x150 - Todo comienza cuando sagi tsukiko, creadora de maromi el perro, juguete y personaje animado de moda en japón, denuncia haber sido atacada esa noche en la calle por un muchacho con un bate y patines, ambos objetos de color dorado.
Original Resolution: 150x150
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704x1136 - Todo comienza cuando sagi tsukiko, creadora de maromi el perro, juguete y personaje animado de moda en japón, denuncia haber sido atacada esa noche en la calle por un muchacho con un bate y patines, ambos objetos de color dorado.
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Original Resolution: 317x450
Paranoia Agent Mousou Dairinin Wiki Anime Amino La historia gira principalmente alrededor de los detectives que están tras de él y sus víctimas, contando sus vidas privadas y como terminan siendo salvados por el chico del bate.
512x512 - Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more!
Original Resolution: 512x512
Paranoia Agent Icon Folder By Mohandor On Deviantart The infamous shounen bat (lil' slugger) is terrorizing the residents of musashino city.
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Original Resolution: 128x128
Paranoia Agent Mousou Dairinin Wiki Anime Amino #paranoia agent #satoshi kon #mousou dairinin #i haven't seen this show in like 5 years #and it's already better than i remember #satoshi kon really was the best.